Royal National Lifeboat Institution(RNLI)
I decided to create a series of paintings in recognition of the fantastic work of the RNLI lifeboat crews.
I used to sail and therefore appreciate the selfless work that these unpaid lifesavers do.
I have sold/auctioned some of the pictures, raising several hundred pounds for this most worthy cause (one of the certificates shown below). The total proceeds go to the RNLI.
This has given me the impetus to create more than the original 6 paintings I had planned!
The exhibited paintings are currently on display in Art for the people, a gallery in Lincolnshire.
If you are interested in purchasing any of the unsold paintings, please contact me.
RNLI at Work 3
With grateful thanks to Steve Taylor
of Aldeburgh for permission to use
his award winning photograph
as my inspiration for this painting.
RNLI at Work 1
RNLI at Work 2
Additional pictures below of RNLI at Work 3
illustrate the progress of the painting.
RNLI at Work 5
RNLI at Work 4
RNLI at Work 7
RNLI at Work 8
New Hoylake Lifeboat
With many thanks to Lynne Cameron for providing me with
the original photograph.
RNLI at Work 6
Teddington Lifeboat Station
in action, an all volunteer station,
in the best tradition of the RNLI.
With thanks to Teddington Lifeboat Station for providing me with the original photograph.
RNLI Hovercraft
With many thanks to Andy Mahon for providing me with the original photograph.
RNLI at Work 9
RNLI at Work 10
RNLI at Work 11 -
Lifeboat: Joel and April Grunnill, Skegness
RNLI at Work 12 -
Lifeboat: Lill Cunningham,
RNLI at Work 21 -
Lifeboat: Mark Lott,
RNLI at Work 16 -
Lifeboat: Christine, Minehead
In 1947 the lifeboat Edward Prince of Wales, also from the Mumbles station, was lost with all hands, going to the rescue of a cargo vessel.
Thanks to RNLI Mumbles for permission to use the photos.
RNLI at Work 18 -
'New technology, traditional courage'
Lifeboat: Roy Barker IV, Mumbles
Penlee Lifeboat Station
I have created several paintings of Penlee's lifeboats.
Some of these will be exhibited in their new lifeboat station, currently under construction.
A number of interested parties have suggested creating prints or cards of my paintings,
to help raise additional funds. Updates will be posted here.
My attention was first drawn to Penlee when I heard the story of the Solomon Browne.
On 19 December 1981, the Solomon Browne was lost at sea with all hands after she went to the aid of the Union Star which had suffered engine failure. The sea conditions were described as "treacherous, beyond belief". The Solomon Browne was last seen by the winchman of the Royal Navy rescue helicopter as the lifeboat went back into the floundering Union Star to rescue the remaining crew.
Union Star was also lost with all hands.
The two paintings and one pencil drawing below are my tributes to the heroism of the ill-fated crews.
RNLI at Work 13 -
Solomon Browne,
RNLI at Work 14 -
Solomon Browne and
Union Star, Penlee
RNLI at Work 15 -
Solomon Browne, Penlee,
in happier times
A further selection of Penlee lifeboats
With many thanks to Amy Smith for her amazing photography, which provided the inspiration for my paintings
RNLI at Work 25 -
Lifeboat: Mollie and Ivor Dent, Penlee
RNLI at Work 17 -
Lifeboat: Ivan Ellen,
RNLI at Work 20 -
Lifeboat: Mollie and Ivor Dent, Penlee
Helicopter: Merlin
RNLI at Work 22 -
Lifeboat: Paul Alexander,
previously at Penlee
RNLI at Work 24 -
Lifeboat: Ivan Ellen, Penlee
RNLI at Work 19 -
Lifeboat: Ivan Ellen, Penlee Helicopter: Sea King
RNLI at Work 23 -
Lifeboat: Mollie and Ivor Dent,
Penlee, at St Michael's Mount